The Center for Global Polytheist & Indigenous Traditions (CGPIT), having earlier announced its first online conference “Polytheisms Today and Tomorrow”, to be held on October 28-29, 2021, is now pleased to announce an update.
CGPIT is pleased to invite philosophers, public intellectuals and artists to participate in two new sections in the conference, Dialogues on Pluralism and Polytheist Art.
The academic section of the conference will feature presentations practical and theoretical dedicated to the preservation and promotion of polytheistic traditions, both continuous and revived, from Europe and Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. In addition, a special panel focusing on African Traditional Religions will be curated by Prof. Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga of the University of Zimbabwe.
Dialogues on Pluralism
In addition, the organizers have decided to incorporate into the conference a series of Dialogues on Pluralism, in which participants can discuss the broader intellectual, social and ecological implications of the fundamental cosmogonic multiplicity entailed by the polytheist worldview, for which the world embodies a multiverse constructed by human, inhuman and divine agents of all kinds, with irreducibly many forms of organization and superimposed fabrics of meaning.
Polytheist Art
The celebration of living polytheisms at the conference will also incorporate contributions in the visual arts by polytheist creators, including the participation of polytheist artists’ cooperative Numen Arts.
Those interested in participating in the above new sections should contact Edward Butler at